
Welcome To Wedding Day

A happy wedding day is once in a lifetime event for every couple and we believe that every couple's dream is to have a Perfect day. But  the preparation of a wedding can be very stressful and expensive for the couple and the families. That why we advise its best to have a wedding planner.As a Professional Wedding Planner and Coordinator, we will be able to get the best value for your big day. A Good wedding planner can save you money and time and in the detail that you might have miss out and save in every situation you might not be able to handle. As wedding planners they have the solution ready to most of the problem that you might face. Able to give you advise on how to handle the wedding vendor too. We want every couple to be stress-free and happy preparing for their wedding, so let us take the stress from you.

So Call us Now to be prepare for your biggest
day in your life!!!

欢迎来到Happy Wedding Day                                                                                            拥有一场欢喜的婚礼一生只有一次,也是人生大事,所以我相信每对情侣都很重视也希望能实现心中梦寐以求的婚礼。很多情侣和家人在筹备婚礼的过程中难免会面对各种压力和问题,特别是超出预算的问题。婚礼策划师的存在就是为了帮助每对新人,让每对新人能轻松真正享受整个婚礼过程,避免不必要的争吵或压力。婚礼策划师拥有需多婚礼的筹备经验,再加上拥有市场大部分的供应商(例如:摄影师,化妆师,酒家,等等。。。)可以让每对新人轻而易举的了解更多详情。 很多人认为聘请婚礼策划师需要多加很多费用,其实婚礼策划师除了能让每对新人在筹备婚礼上省时省力,也能让每对新人完成梦寐以求的婚礼而不会超出预算,既是省时省力又省钱。除此,许多婚礼的小细节也经常被忽略,往往被忽略的小细节会影响整个婚礼过程,很多新人在面对突发的状况时也不知所措,特别是在结婚当天。我们希望每对新人在结婚当天都会留下开心和美好的回忆,所以让我们为您服务,分担您们所有的问题和压力,一同分享快乐。


Wedding Hairstyles

Wedding Dresses
Wedding Bouquets
Wedding Centerpieces