Life insurance offers protection against unexpected events or hardships, including injury, illness, disability or the early loss of a loved one. It is comforting to know that as soon as a policy is issued, you and your family are immediately secured against such risks.

The plans we offer to give you security:

PRUlink assurance plan
An investment-linked insurance plan that is flexible enough to adapt to your needs throughout different stages of your life. The plan gives you a choice of six equity and bond funds to suit your risk appetite.

Crisis Cover plans
A wide range of Crisis Cover products to provide peace of mind upon diagnosis of a critical illness.

  • Crisis Cover Plus
  • Crisis Shield
  • Crisis Cover Benefit
  • Crisis Cover Income

Medical plans
Plans designed to relieve you of the financial burdens of surgery and hospitalisation.

  • PRUmajor med 3
  • Medical Cover

Accidental Medical Reimbursement

PRUlady plans
Specially-created to take care of women’s unique health and protection needs. Covers illnesses such as breast and cervical cancer, and motherhood complications such as ectopic pregnancies and infant congenital illnesses.

  • PRUlady

PRUlady plus
PRUsenior med
With a unique high entry age, PRUsenior med helps you address those large medical bills that you may face in your later years. 

The mortgage insurance plan that ensures your home remains with your family.

A no-frills term assurance product offering you life coverage.

Accident plans
You can't see an accident coming, but make sure your finances can.

PRUdisability provider
Your financial safety net in the event of a disability.

PRUgroup life
Comes as a tailored package, giving your employees the right combination of life, health and disability protection, under one single contract, 24 hours a day, worldwide.

Prudential's investment-linked insurance policies give you the flexibility of protection, coupled with long-term investments to suit your needs.

The premiums you pay will not only protect you and your family, but also as an investment help grow your wealth and ensure a comfortable lifestyle in the future.

Here, you can find out more about:

PRUlink funds
The various funds we offer to help grow your wealth.

PRUlink assurance plan
A flexible investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your savings and protection needs at different life stages.

PRUlink global
A one-of-a-kind investment-linked plan that provides you the security of insurance coverage while nurturing your wealth by tapping into overseas investment opportunities.

PRUlink global education plan
Similar to PRUlink global, this plan lets you grow your child’s education fund by tapping into the world’s most dynamic regions of growth. 

PRUlink investor account
An investor insurance plan that focuses on your long-term savings and investments.

New policy low premium ! Free 2 years PA insurance & 100% premium returns during maturity !